Welcome to the website www.ez-healthbeauty.com, the website that is owned and operated by Webtazia for web design and e-marketing for its owner EZ Health Beauty, a one-person company LLC, a limited liability company registered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) under License No……..

These Terms of Use and all additional policies and terms (if applicable) on the Site set forth the terms we offer you to access and use the Site and the Services.

Upon your accessing, registering and/or continuing to use or access the Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and the Legal Documents with immediate effect.

The terms of use for these legal documents are subject to change by us at any time. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of any change constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Use and the legal documents as amended.

About the site

This site is an e-commerce platform that allows users to purchase a variety of products.

We reserve the right to introduce new services and to update or withdraw any of the services, at our sole discretion without any liability.

  • Registration conditions

You are entitled to register as a buyer and benefit from the services if you meet the following eligibility criteria: You

  • must be of legal age to be able to purchase products in your country of residence.
  • To be able to provide an address in the United Arab Emirates or another country to deliver the products.

To register on the site, we will need to provide some information, and your registration on the site will not be accepted if the necessary information is not provided to us. We reserve the right to refuse any registration without giving reasons. We may also carry out the necessary verifications to confirm your identity and registration requirements.

Upon successful completion of your registration, your registration shall continue for an indefinite period subject to possible suspension or cancellation in accordance with Clause 6 of these Terms of Use.

  • Your Obligations

When you use or access the Services, you agree to the following:

  • your responsibility to maintain privacy and to restrict access to and use of your account and password, and you agree to be responsible for all activities that occur under your account name and password.
  • You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of the Site’s secure use standards.
  • Provide complete, true, accurate and current information about yourself and your use of the Services as determined by us.
  • Not disclose to third parties (except as required or specified by us) the user information provided to you.
  • Cooperate with requests from us for additional information regarding your eligibility and use of our Services.

When you use or access the Services, you agree that you will not:

  • post, post or upload any inappropriate or prohibited content or materials on our site, including:
  • breach or circumvent the law, or violate any third party rights or breach our systems, policies, or decisions regarding your account status.
  • Use the Services if you no longer meet the eligibility criteria, are unable to form legally binding contracts, or have your account suspended or suspended indefinitely.
  • You do not pay for the products you have purchased, unless there is a legal reason to do so in any of our policies.
  • Take any action that will reduce the site’s rating and rating systems.
  • Post content that is false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, defamatory, or the like.
  • transfer your Account to another party without our prior written consent.
  • Spread viruses or any other technologies that may harm our services or the interests or property of other users.

Breach of:

  • laws regarding copyright, trademark, patent, morality, advertising, database, and/or any other intellectual property rights (collectively, “Intellectual Property Rights”) that relate to or are licensed to us.
  • Any of the intellectual property rights that relate to others.
  • Collecting users’ information without obtaining their consent.
  • or circumvent any of our technical procedures to provide the Services.


  • EXPRESSLY GRANT BY THESE TERMS OF USE: ALL CONTENT ON THE SITE IS OUR PROPERTY OR THE PROPERTY OF OUR LICENSORS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TEXT, GRAPHICS, LOGOS, PHOTOS, AUDIO, DIGITAL DOWNLOADS AND SOFTWARE. We (or our licensors, as the case may be) reserve all of our right, title and interest in and to the Site and Services including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights contained in these Terms of Use.
  • All rights, title, and interest in any of the information, materials, or other content provided by you through your use of the Services, as well as all of your intellectual property rights under these Terms of Use, shall belong to us.
  • You agree that you may not use our Trademarks without our prior written consent.
  • All rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms of Use are reserved by us or our licensors.

warrant, undertake and represent the following:

  • Full compliance to continue to operate in compliance with applicable laws, statutes and regulations, including but not limited to compliance with legislation relating to privacy laws and content regulation.
  • You have full authority to contract in accordance with these Terms of Use, and your performance of your obligation under these Terms of Use does not conflict with:
  • any laws, rules, regulations or governmental guidelines to which you are subject;
  • Any other agreements to which you are a party or which you are bound by.
  • If you create an account or use it on behalf of a company, you are authorized to act on behalf of that company and warrant that it will comply with these Terms of Use. This account is owned and managed by this company.
  • You are the owner of, or authorized to grant, the rights and licenses you have granted us under these Terms of Use.
  • Liability and Indemnification

Nothing in these Terms of Use shall limit or exclude either party’s liability for:

In no event shall we, our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, directors, officers, agents, employees, suppliers, subcontractors or licensors, whether based on action or Claim in contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty or breach of these Terms of Use – liability for any claim for loss of profits, loss of data or information, business failure, financial loss or any special, indirect or incidental damages even if notified to us or its affiliates, directors, officers, agents, employees, licensors, suppliers or subcontractors for the possibility of such damages.

In addition to the extent permitted by applicable law, we (including our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, agents, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, or licensors) shall not be liable, and you acknowledge that you will not You assume responsibility for any damage or loss caused directly or indirectly by:

  • the content or other information you provide when using the Services;
  • Your use of, or inability to use, the Services.
  • pricing, shipping, coordination, or any other instructions provided by us.
  • Delay or interruption in providing services.
  • Viruses or other malware found through access to the Services.
  • The existence of errors in the services, malfunctions or inaccuracies in any way.
  • the content or the actions or inactions of third party users of our Services.
  • suspension or any other actions we take in connection with your use of the Services.
  • How long or how your listings appear in search results.

You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless, including to indemnify and hold harmless our parent company, its subsidiaries, subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents, employees, suppliers, subcontractors and licensors relating to our company or our parent, subsidiaries and affiliates from and against any losses, damages and expenses (including legal fees and attorneys’ fees) (“Claims”) arising from:

  • any claims or demands made by third parties as a result of your use of the Services;
  • breach any of the provisions contained in these Terms of Use, including without limitation any of the warranties, representations and representations.
  • Violate any applicable laws, including but not limited to data protection or anti-spam laws.
  • The manner in which you use our services, including but not limited to, the content you post or your content is defamatory, slanderous, defamatory, or in violation of any other rights (including privacy rights) of third parties (including users of the Sites others).

Without prejudice to any rights or remedies or without any liability to you, we may limit, suspend or withdraw your access to or use of the Services, cancel an order for any Products and/or delete Content submitted by you at our sole discretion. For the avoidance of doubt, any amounts paid and received by us in connection with a canceled product order will be refunded.

  • Report a violation of these Terms of Use

committed to ensuring that products and content on the Site comply with these Terms of Use. If the content provided does not comply with these terms of use, please let us know and we will investigate.

To enhance your experience across the Site and with Noon affiliates, you hereby agree that we may create additional services, using the information you provide to us on the Site.

  • General Provisions
  • Applicable Law These Terms of Use and any related non-contractual rights or duties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates as applied in the Emirate of Dubai.
  • Dispute resolution: If you have any issues with our services, please contact us. We will work hard to solve your problem as soon as possible. Any disputes or controversies relating to these Terms of Use, including any related non-contractual rights or duties, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Rules by a single arbitrator. The arbitration center shall be in the Dubai International Financial Center and the English language shall be the arbitration language.
  • Third Party Rights: A person who is not a party to these Terms of Use has no right to enforce any of its terms.
  • Relationship of the parties: There is nothing in these terms of use that the parties or third parties can interpret or interpret to interpret the relationship between us as between partners or agents or to create a joint venture between the parties, but it is clear and understandable that all parties are independent.
  • Additional Assurances: The parties will act or arrange for necessary actions, release documents and other matters within their power to enforce and verify these Terms of Use, including but not limited to assisting each party in complying with applicable law.
  • Waiver: These Terms of Use are committed to ensuring the benefit of the parties and their respective and duly authorized successors. You agree that you will not assign or transfer these Terms of Use or any of your rights or duties in connection with these Terms of Use, whether directly or indirectly, without our prior written consent.
  • Entire Agreement: These Terms of Use and the documents referred to or included in these Terms of Use represent the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of the Agreement and supersede and supersede all prior agreements, negotiations and representations, written or oral, relating to the subject matter. Except as specified in the Terms of Use and the documents referred to or included in these Terms of Use, there are no conditions, representations, warranties, undertakings or agreements between the parties, whether direct, indirect, collective, express or implied.
  • Modifications: No modification to these Terms of Use or any addition or supplement shall be made. We reserve the right to modify, alter, add or supplement these Terms of Use at any time or from time to time. We will post the current version of the Terms of Use on the Site and it will be effective when posted on the Site or at the date specified by us as the “effective date” (if any). Your continued use of the Services in the event of any changes constitutes your agreement to be bound by the revised Terms of Use.
  • Severability of clauses: If any of the provisions of these terms of use is considered canceled by any of the competent courts or illegal or not applicable, then this clause of these terms of use is canceled and the rest of the terms and conditions remain in force as long as the legal and economic essence remains. The transactions concluded under its terms remain valid without any adverse effect on the parties thereto.
  • Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable for any loss, damage, delay or non-performance arising as a result of acts beyond the control of any of the parties whether such action could be foreseeable (such as acts of God and actions of the legislative, judicial or regulatory authorities of either the federal or local government jurisdiction, actions of any of our subcontractors or any third party suppliers of goods or services to us, labor unrest, blackouts, or economic boycotts).
  • No Waiver: A waiver of any of the provisions of the Terms of Use shall not be deemed a waiver of any of the other provisions (similar or not), nor shall any other waiver be deemed a continuing waiver of any of the provisions in question, unless expressly stated in writing.
  • Communication: You can contact us via email sales@ezhealthbeauty.com, through our social media sites, live chat on the site, or call our call center at +971585202043
  • Continuity of Enforcement: All provisions that are stated to remain in effect or which by their nature apply after the termination of the contract shall remain in effect after the termination or suspension of your membership in the site.